Parties, Alcohol, and Minors
Springtime leads to parties for many high school students. Reasons to party include prom, graduation, spring break, or it is warm and we...

Texting on a Texas Highway
NOTICE: THE LAWS IN TEXAS HAVE CHANGED! This post no longer covers current laws in Texas. Please see NEW TEXTING AND DRIVING LAW....

She was Sleeping as He was Driving
Surely everyone knows that you should not fall asleep while driving. Driving while tired, drowsy, or sleep deprived is dangerous....

Stop . . . or Go?!?
A few weeks ago, a friend of mine posted this photo on his Facebook page. He labeled the picture, “Stop . . . or go?!?” Various people...

Toddlers and Your Guns
No parent wants to think that they may have to attend the funeral of their child. Most of us do not think of a toddler as a possible gun...

Unhappy New Year and the No Refusal Weekend
You are at a party to celebrate the New Year. You have a few drinks. You drive home. As you are driving down the street you see flashing...

Failure to make a legal stop leads to DWI questions
It was a Saturday morning about 6:30. A friend of mine was driving down a major street in Fort Worth. He looked up and saw the bright red...

Heroin More Deadly Than Guns
The Washington Post issued an article yesterday stating that heroin took more lives in the United States than did guns. Drugs and guns...